It is a requirement of some of the bodies in whose competitions we play to keep on file a completed membership form for all of our members. To this end I have attached a form that we need you to complete and send back to us.I’m sending the form in two formats for you to use whichever is the easiest for you.If you no longer want to be involved please also let us know and we will stop sending you messages. A couple of things I would ask you please. Fill in the whole form (events over recent years have made the importance of having emergency contact details obvious!) Send back to us in .pdf format only (fill in online, save to your device as a .pdf and then attach that to an email to us – our email addresses are on the form – we both need to be included in your email).I will be rebuilding the Squads with the information you send to us. If you do not send the form back you might find that you are not getting requests for availability, might not be selected, etc. etc. It is in your interest to spend 5 minutes doing this for us. Your 5 minutes will be nothing compared to the time I will have to spend to process the info! Then we can concentrate on playing some cricket. If it ever stops raining!If you have completed a form in the last week there is no need to do it again.The important thing is that we need the form. I will be pestering those who do not respond.
GAR 08/04/2024
Choose your format. Click on the logo. "Save As" to your PC. Sensible to add your name or intitials to your filename at this point. If you use Word then make sure you save as a PDF when completed. Email to Bill and Geoff.
The 2025 AGM will be held on tbd, at 7.00pm. The relevant documents are available below